“Manifest Anything Into Your Life In 5 Steps!”

naiyma wright
6 min readJan 26, 2021

There are five ways you can start using law of attraction and begin to manifest in yourself. I’ve actually played with some of these a little bit and some haven’t worked through for me and some of them work. But I think that’s because I just didn’t have the right intention behind them. And I’ll kind of explain it to you guys a little bit later.

Five easy ways that you can begin to manifest.


Before we get into the whole idea of manifesting and different ways you can do it, I want to say that in order to manifest anything into your life you always have to be positive. As long as you’re positive, no matter what, anything in your life will manifest. When you’re positive as long as you’re grateful as long as you believe that it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen for you right there.

The whole idea behind the law of attraction is light attracts light. So if you’re feeling positive, then you will attract positive energy. If you’re feeling negative, then you will attract negative energy. That’s the whole idea behind law of attraction.


So the second thing we’re going to be talking about is writing it out. This happens to be my favorite way to manifest because I just love to write in general. So I wrote down on a piece of paper that I want to be in a new job, “I want to be in a new job, I want to be in a new job…” and at the end of the paper I said, “I’m still working for my brand new JOB”. Eventually, I succeeded in getting a new job. Granted I got fired the next day but within a week’s time I did get a brand new job in the field that I wanted. So that was pretty awesome.

One thing that I’ve actually learned is whenever you’re trying to manifest, you need to be as specific as possible. Not only are you letting the universe know that you want to bring the job, you probably want to say when you want to bring the job and what kind of job do you want. On a piece of paper, you would say, I want to get a job, let’s say you want to get a job in a week. And you also want it in, let’s say cosmetics or something, you put on a piece of paper I want to get a job in a week from cosmetics and I want to get a job in a week in cosmetics. Then I continue to write that down on the paper and then the last little note is going to be, ‘I’m so grateful for our brand new job that I got in week in cosmetics.”


Be grateful for where you are right now. You’re letting the universe know that you want to bring the job, but you’re also letting the universe know that you’re already grateful for what it’s already giving you even though you haven’t received it yet you know that it’s going to give it to you. And then you also have to be positive with where you are.

Sometimes we get really wrapped up in the hate for where we are in our lives. And because we get really wrapped up in that we can see past it. So everything is so negative it’s so hard for positive to get in there. So even though you hate your job, you have to find something positive about it, because as long as you’re positive with where you are, the universe will continue to grow for you now.

Try creating a gratitude list, and I’m sure any of you guys who’ve looked at the law of attraction you have heard about having a gratitude list is so important because being grateful in general just fuels, your day it just fusion life and it just let the universe know that you are so happy that it can continue to give you so much more of what you’re happy about every single morning when you wake up, write down what you’re grateful for if you’re grateful when you woke up you hear the birds chirping I mean that may sound silly but there’s some times when I wake up make you the first chirping and I feel like Cinderella and then I’m happy and been like you know my whole face. Great. So, you know, grateful about birth, be happy about the fact that you will be happy to have a job, you know just state all those things that you’re grateful for to this if you don’t have time to write it out then when you go in the shower just feel so grateful for the warm water right now, “It’s so good.”


Visualizing it. I like this technique as well because our whole life is basically revolved around visualization, I mean look at social media as much to watch TV visuals, is just a big part of my life. So let’s say you won a brand new car right, just take the image onto my screensaver on my phone, because I’m always on my phone My phone is in my hand, 24 /7. So as soon as I click on my phone I’m going to see that image.

Not only am I going to visualize it when I look at the phone I feel it, I’m going to know oh my god I’m getting a brand new car, every time you ride in your car you need to imagine and visualize in that brand new car because the whole idea is knowing that it’s going to come to you don’t have any doubt you just have the intention that you know is going to happen.


The fifth way you can manifest something is cutting yourself a check. So I tried to play around with this one but I didn’t work out for me because I just didn’t have any intention behind it. This is how it’s supposed to work; let’s say you are a writer and you’re writing a book. That book that you are writing you already know that you’re going to have it finished by the end of the year. So you’re going to write a check for, let’s say, $2,000 to yourself before from this book.

Write yourself a check out, fold it up and put it in your wallet. No, it’s gonna happen just continue to write the best book that you could ever write, promote it, do the work, and see if it happens for you. This actually happened with Jim Carrey. Even the guy who wrote the chicken noodle soup book. He had the idea to write a separate check for a million dollars and then when he got in the shower he had a great idea about coming up with a book called chicken noodle soup. He wrote a book and looked at his check every single day and then within about a years time, he got a deal for a million dollars. So see if it works for you. I’m definitely going to be playing around with that concept, a little bit later to kind of get my intention focused on where I want that money to come from and how the universe will give it to me.

Well those are the five ways that you can try these to manifest. I hope you guys enjoy this video. If you’ve ever tried any of these ways and it really worked for you let me know in the comments below. I’m so happy I you all read through my whole article. If you would like a gain access to one of my meditation scripts you can click the link below.




naiyma wright

It's still possible earn a living from home even during a pandemic. My goal is to help others accomplish what I am able to even with no experience at all.